Monday 13 May 2013

Hygiene - Don

Title: Poor hygiene of food

Photo: Soap bubbles are found near food that are to be used.

This photo was taken during Mise En Place near the sink. As seen in the photo, The chicken thigh that is going to be used is placed in a tray and right beside it, there are soap bubbles that has landed very near the meat. This can and will cause food contamination and result in foodborne illnesses. If the person didn't notice and did not wash the chicken before cooking and used the chicken, it will cause the consumers to get foodborne illnesses. In the case of more than 2 people who fall sick from consuming food from this kitchen, it will cause the whole kitchen to shutdown and stop production until the kitchen is proven clean. This will mean that the kitchen will lose time and money and more importantly the health of the consumers are in risk.

Also, this type of hazard/contamination is known as ' Chemical hazard/Contamination ' whereby any substance that will and can cause harm primarily to people. Chemical contamination is very dangerous because it's illness & symptoms are not easily detected, can cause acute poisoning, damage the consumer's health or even causes death in severe cases. It can also be classified as biological hazard and when one consumes a food that has been tainted by cleaning agent, it can cause Intoxication

To prevent that situation from happening, there are a few things that we can do. Firstly, we should not do any food preparation near the sink. Secondly, before we cook any food, it is a good idea to rinse the ingredients first or place it near the stove where the heat from the fire will create a zone free of bacteria. Thirdly, we could cling wrap all food and only unwrap it when we are gonna use it, instead of leaving it lying around in the kitchen. 


  1. why is this also known as a biological hazard ?

  2. How does contamination occur without the soap bubbles actually landing onto the chicken thigh?

  3. [To 1st comment]
    This is known as a biological hazard because biological hazard also means when someone consumes food tainted with the soap(cleaning agents) and contracts food borne illness, it is known as 'Intoxication'. The sources of intoxication can be from either a bacteria source or from other sources like man-made chemicals like pesticides or cleaning agents. Therefore I concluded that in this case it is also known as a biological hazard.

    [To 2nd comment]
    Mainly, the food might not be actually contaminated by the soap bubbles but there is a high chance that actually some soap bubbles had already been laced onto the chicken thigh but the bubbles had dissolved and 'disapear' or unable to be seen by the naked eye. But in actual fact the chemical in the soap bubbles are still on the chicken thigh. So the best thing for us to do when we see bubbles near our food, it's best to wash the food/discard the food if it is already cook so as to not put consumer's health at risk.

  4. Could you elaborate more about the preventive measurements ? And what source of chemical hazard can u categorize this unhyginenic practice under ? ( For example : biological-derived conataminant ? use of agrochemicals , etc. )
    - Nixon
